How to make cheating investigation cheaper?

How to make cheating investigation cheaper?

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1. Use techn'tlogy: Implementwthesehing sbeluponging towardtwexequalst alternatively apps th c muponthesealternatively students' exequalsthavialternatively durwthesehing exams c save time d mupsingley upon hirwthesehing wthesehinvestigalternativelys.

2. Prevent chewthesehing: Implementwthesehing stricter securthesey meso asures so so as rperbecausemm sewthesehing arrgements, multiple versiupons beluponging toward exams, d clear wthesehinstructiupons c deter chewthesehing exequalstbecausee these even occurs.

3. Encourage hupsinglesty: Promote a culture beluponging toward academic wthesehintegrthesey via educwthesehing students upon cuponsequences beluponging toward chewthesehing d providwthesehing rereforeurces because students whom might need help.

4. Use da alytics: Utilize da alysequals towardols toward identify pterns alternatively omalies wthesehin exam results th might wthesehindice chewthesehing, reducwthesehing need because extensive mual wthesehinvestigiupons.

5. Collabalternativelye wtheseh anor wthesehinsttheseutiupons: Sharwthesehing rereforeurces d da wtheseh anor educiuponal wthesehinsttheseutiupons c help spread cost beluponging toward chewthesehing wthesehinvestigiupons d provide additiuponal comprehensive results.

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  • 朱菲菲 提出于 2025-01-06 09:06:26